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      Exercise is the best medicine.

Oh, the joy of watching my third and fourth graders jumping around and running about the playground. Children have boundless energy and use it at their leisure. By days' end they are exhausted with no complaints of insomnia. They fall fast asleep after spending all of their energy making exercise play. One key to youthful, living is knowing what physical activities you enjoy and incorporating them into your daily life. Not the "exercise" adults deem a chore, but something you want to do that gets your heart pumping, burns up calories and sweats out impurities. Incorporate fun physical activities into your lifestyle as automatically as you brush your teeth, and you will reap positive benefits effortlessly.

 Obesity is a great health concern. Regular exercise can stave off or help eliminate obesity and aide in the digestion process. People suffering from obesity often are dealing with indigestion, and constipation. These are poor circulation problems that exercising and avoiding late night eating can alleviate. Let's find a "physical leisure activity" that you enjoy! If you work close to home, consider riding a bicycle, or roller blades, good old fashioned roller skates or a scooter. Do a mock commute over the weekend for several weeks to build up your stamina and actually know that you can go the distance before setting out on a work day. Don't worry about getting funky. Carry a backpack with soap and wash cloth, or wipes and bring along some deodorant. Most bathrooms offer a sink.

Getting started is the hardest part. Toss the excuses. With regular participation, you increase activity without realizing it and stave off a host of illnesses that could otherwise settle in like parasites, making a home in your body. When getting started requires support, joining a gym maybe the thing. Most gyms offer orientation with personal trainers to get you familiar with the equipment. Having a trainer can be just the spring board to propel your workout. Exercise doesn't have to cost a penny. If you can't afford to join a gym here are some options. My neighbor spends endless hours in her garden, digging, planting, weeding, pruning the trees and vines. New York City has many community gardens that rely on volunteers to beautify them.

Being out doors in the fresh air doing something you love moderately but regularly is an easy way to combat obesity, get the heart rate going and relax your mind. Heart attacks are increasing among woman due, not only to diet and weight, but most commonly due to stress. Regular physical leisure activity that has a calming effect, can assist us in how we process and respond to stress while lowering the risk of heart attack or stroke. Vigorous competitive workouts like playing tennis are great stress relievers. Clubs can be costly, but in New York City, take advantage of the public tennis courts at Central Park and Prospect Park also, tennis is free for everyone at Hudson River Park in lower Manhattan.

 Http://www.hudsonriverpark.org /explore/tennispier34.html

If sports are your thing, it's all here and it's all free! Sailing and rowing are great for building upper body strength and for making friends. Http://floatingtheapple.org.

Hudson River Park has free kayaking. Http://www.hudsonriverpark.org /estuary/boating.asp. The Hudson River is all cleaned up and offers organized fishing with free fishing poles and bait.

 Http://www.hudsonriverpark.org /education/big_city_fishing.asp

While exercising is important, a healthy diet should always support your exercise. The fish here, with omega oils is an excellent source of protein.. Hiking is an exciting adventure with this group and they go out regularly. Here is the link.

 Http://hiking.meetup.com/3/cal endar/8008742

Wherever you live, check with your local municipality - they are sure to offer something as a benefit for your tax dollars or by way of charitable contributors. Be mindful that physical leisure activities get you out and about, not seated in a mode of passive participation while packing in empty calories. That's the difference between the healthy leisure and unhealthy leisure habits that we aim to form. It can be as simple as a walk or jog around the block ten times. Keep your heart healthy, utilize exercise to fight obesity, insomnia, reduce stress and maintain clarity of mind and purpose. View it as child's play that gets you worked out and promises a good nights sleep, with no side effects!

Learn more about this author, at Http://CintiLaird.ws/Cinti

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